Dealers Comment on Hydor Koralia Stream Pumps

by John Tullock

The Hydor Koralia stream pump line features good packaging and slick design, but this product range does not offer good value to the consumer. Why?

For one thing, the pumps have a front clutch that the manufacturer claims makes the pumps safe for use with a wave controller. In fact, this design results in wear on the impeller assembly. Many dealers have noted reliability issues with this product. Nevertheless, they are reasonably good quality, when compared to products from Aqueon and other Chinese manufacturers. They are not as quiet as Sicce or Tunze pumps, however. In addition, Hydor pumps offer a limited range of movement (they cannot aim in as many directions) compared to either Sicce or Tunze, and the magnetic mount is not as powerful.

According to one store we asked, "Sure, they were cool when they first came out, but they are inferior now," because improved designs have been introduced by other manufacturers. "Also, the knob that directs the flow of the pump is notorious for breaking.”


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6 thoughts on “Dealers Comment on Hydor Koralia Stream Pumps”

  1. As a small retailer going against online pricing and pricing at Petco, Petsmart, ect., the price point is more attractive to customers, especially this day and age where consumers are not necessarily concerned with long term reliability but in price tag. I use and sell both in my store and the hydro is less expensive for not only me as a retailer to order but also for the customer as well. I know we are all trying to make a living and every dollar counts. If the Sicce was within a few dollars on the retail and wholesale level as the Hydor, I know I could sell more of the Sicce and the independent retailer and Sicce both win.

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  2. Eric,
    I understand what you are trying to say but do not think what you are saying is completely correct. You need to look at this closer.

    Who do you buy Sicce from?

    Voyager 3 1200 gph at 26% off 38.28 37.41
    Hydor 1050gph — on sale at Royal after 35% off 35.95
    Hydor 1400gph 44.95 after 35% off ons ale 44.95
    Voyager 4 1600 gph after 26% off royal 54.08 = 52.85

    Now here is what is interesting

    Hydor 1050gph Fosters 44.99 and big als 34.99
    Hydor 1400gph BIG ALS 42.99 56.99 Fosters and smith

    Sicce is not sold to big als or fosters

    Plus sicce has no warranty when sold below map online
    In addition it has a 5 year warranty when bought from an authorized dealer instead of 3

    One can simply cannot sell Hydor and make much money.

    You have some choices.

    Markup Sicce (which is competitive when you consider GPH) less but still make some money.

    Sell fewer Sicce pumps but at a fuller margin (at min retail.) You can sell 1 and make more money than selling 1000 Hydor at Big Als price. I am joking but you need to buy from Big ALl just to break even.

    I would stop working for the manufactures and have the attitude of working for yourself. You can sell. You can up sell. Sure, it is harder. Sure, you will have to know the reasons someone should buy a Sicce. Yes, you will have to bring some enthusiasm to the table.

    Choose the path of Apple. They sell fewer iphones than Samsung but they make 71% of the profit in the industry.

    They sell Ipads for more than Kindle. Amazon loses money on a crapy product and Apple makes a lot of money selling a great product.

    Apple has billions in cash.

    I want you to make money Eric. I want stores to be a fun living while growing the industry. If we do not support manufactures with all our might that protect us we are doomed. Amazon can simply low ball you out of business even after a customer comes and touches and sees the product in your store. There is a reason even Walmart is worried.

    I can help anyone with Challenges selling Sicce or anything but if you do not accept the information and push it you will not succeed. I know of too many stores who have dropped Hydor and Danner and are doing well. I know of one store that sold 50,000 of Sicce at retail last year (local sales only.) I will take 50,000 at 1.8 to 2x markup all day long compared to working my rear off and still not being able to compete on Hydor.

    Do you use Sicce pumps?

    Do you have them running?

    Do you know the other advantages and have you taught your staff the same?

    If you want any key feature comparisons let me know.

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  3. FYI I formatted all that text and it did no good. It just became a hard read. I will send it to john to post a forma article and edit

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  4. One reason I don’t stock more Sicce pumps is my wholesaler is Southeast Pet. In the Voyager line, they go from a 607 GPH to a 2800! Besides nothing in between on the flow rate, that’s a pump that costs me $30 and the next size up costs me $105. I used to see the little Maus for $19.99 as fast as I could get them in, but now they have a grounded plug and cost me that much. My other weekly dry goods supplier is Summit, who doesn’t carry them at all. I would love to say goodbye to Marineland, but the 45% off blitzes keep me competitive and still making a margin. Please let SEP know they are dropping the ball on your line.

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    • In your area Royal is a distributor and has everything with free shipping. Southeast has not ordered Sicce in a while and while that is disappointing, they have chosen to cater more to Dog and Cat Stores. At 45% off you still do not have the margin needed to stay in business with a line like Marineland. If it is 45% off to you then you will find it equally discounted down at Petsmart and even more online. In one store, who bought the Marineland LEDS at 50% off they had to end up selling them all at cost just to get rid of them along with they gave two away free with setups. UPG aka Tetra and Marineland are simply a mass merchant line. In regard to Sicce – you can get good discounts from every day. You will not have to overstock or chase sales and you can expect a 1.8 to 2.10 markup. Authorized dealers can offer longer warranties. The voyagers go from 600 to 4000 with the 600 being adjustable down to 250 gph. A new nano is on the way as well. shows them all. It looks like Southeast is not supporting line. These pumps have a 5 year warranty when purchased from an authorized dealer and are made in Italy not China like all of Marineland. I can help you with Sicce. Please Note Sicce only warranties items bought from their authorized dealers in order to protect them. A great new example is the Sicce Whale canister filter. It is only sold to authorized dealers and you can offer a better filter than Hagen or Eheim with a 2x markup. That is what dealers like you need to take home the beacon for your family instead of paying for the MFg’s reps to go on vacation 🙂

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  5. Hydor is my best seller but they DO lack the directional capabilities as with Sicce and even Jabeo which is gaining possibility with its’ 360 degree position and wavemaker included in package.

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